Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Be patient my Bride: A week in the hollow tree of waiting.

What a strange week. The first copies of LIGHTNING TREE got impounded at Stansted Airport would you believe, and my front tooth popped out in frustration and protest at this unseemly event. Luckily our friend Malcolm, who is, among many things, a dentist, got me into the chair poste-haste and the crown was refitted in a moment.
After an agonising wait the books finally found home late this Monday-before promptly being stuck in Jiffy bags and being distributed to all four corners of the globe.This first batch will be sold out by the end of next week-so strike now if you want a copy.(available at

It is a thing of beauty even if i say so myself-i've even been generous enough to leave a couple of type o's in to keep the anally retentive amongst us happy and fed.

In the midst of this i got an urgent call to go to Monte Carlo and teach Siberian mythology as Leadership (a recomendation from Harvard apparently)-in the midst of all the book hoo-hah it came to nowt i'm afraid.(I was meant to be there today). Why i would want to soak in the Cote d'Azur when i can have the grumpy clouds of Dartmoor is an anathema to me. (ahem)

Still working on Parzival daily. My study is full of Red Armour, Kundries Tusks, Damsels silk tents and snow with drops of blood from the Wild Geese fill my window pane.I trust every single person who reads this is coming to the weekend gathering May 8-10th? Yes? wonderful! Taking final booking at
01364 653723.

Feeling quotey this week-here's one:

"Become aware of what is in you. Announce it, pronounce it, produce it and give birth to it" Meister Echart.

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