Friday, 28 January 2011


Early morning peering out on the winter wonderland that is Minneapolis. Deepest drifts i've seen since the 70's and i was a little chap. Came in on a late flight from Seattle and ended up in a French cafe hearing one of my buddy's and favorite musicians, Glen Hegelson and his wild Gypsy band.
Washington state was a wonder. Reunited with my soul brother Daniel Deardorff at his magical encampment up in Mossy Rock, Port Townsend. Thank you for the Mythsinger foundation for doing such a splendid job on organizing three days of events for me up there. Packed venues all the way - i feel i have several hundred new friends. We also shot several hours of video conversation between me and Daniel - on myth-telling, wilderness, rites-of-passage etc, so hopefully that will be edited and appear on our websites and Youtube at some point soon.
Lunch with Robert and Ruth Bly and then more stories and music tonight in Minneapolis with my friend the one and only Miguel Rivera - ceremonial leader and a great drummer. Then it's the Men's retreat out in the shaggy wilds some distance out of town - back to the UK on the plane on sunday night,
A short trip, but baring yesterdays flight to the midwest, i have taught everyday and traversed some great distances - energy levels good though, and mood restful. I have one window this morning for buying presents and so will briefly be striding out into the freezing air of uptown Minneapolis and looking for books on recipes for Raw Chocolate, Princess dresses and something unexpected - i'm not sure my one small rucksack can cope with much more!
NOTE: The Robin Williamson and myself weekend is selling places FAST. So, UK folks, please book in or risk missing out,

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